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Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
3 Questions
472 Karma

Elsa’s Career Goals

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Elsa’s Avatar
Elsa Dec 18, 2018 5810 views

Do employers see value in a Coursera/edX/MOOCs certificates?

I want to continue my studies to build my career and have relevant skills in my field, but it is hard to do in-class courses with a full-time job. This made me strongly consider taking online courses. I definitely think that further education is great for personal growth and learning new...

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Elsa Oct 06, 2017 1485 views

What's the best way to prepare for a career fair?

It will be my first time attending a university career fair, so I am not too sure what to expect. I will definitely dress professionally, prepare my resume, and do research on the companies. But, what kinds of questions should I be asking representatives from these companies? And is there any...

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Elsa Jul 07, 2017 70316 views

What are some good questions to ask a potential employer during an interview?

Usually at the end of an interview, the hiring manager will give you the opportunity to ask some questions about the position or the company. Are there any questions that you can ask that will make you stand out to the employer as the main candidate? As well, as there any questions to avoid...