Career questions tagged interview

How do I answer "Tell me about yourself" as a high schooler?
I have no professional work experience, so what do interviewers want to know when they ask, "Tell me about yourself?"

How can I prepare for the most common interview questions for finance jobs?
I'm a high school student only a couple of interview experience nothing related and also don't have any internship experience.

What are some job searching tips for newly graduated professionals??
Looking for website suggestions, resume and interview tips, etc.

Hello! Would any lawyers be willing to answer a few interview questions for my class project?
Here's the questions! Feel free to email me instead if that's easier for you. Thanks in advance! 1. What is your job description or job title? 2. What are some of your duties? 3. Please explain what a typical day is like in your occupation. 4. How long have you been at this job? 5. What job did you have before this? 6. Why did you select this career? 7. Do you believe this career was a good choice for you? Why or Why not? 8. What type of training or schooling did you need? 9. How did you get this job and was there an interview? What was that like? 10. What would you say employers are looking for in an employee? 11. What do you like most about this career? 12. What do you like least about this career? 13. Was there something about this career that you didn't expect? 14. What special skills are needed to be successful in this career? 15. How might one acquire these skills? 16. What days and hours do you work? 17. Would you change anything, and if so what would it be? 18. What suggestions would you give someone like me who is interested in this career

What is your opinion on boterview, Google Warmup and other AI interview prep tools?
I am still a student and I've never done any interview. I am preparing my next interview (accounting) with and google warmup. I am getting great scores. How do these compare to real-life interviews, if I get a good score / feeling on these tools, is it a good sign for my next interview?

I would like to conduct an interview with a software developer...could someone help me out?
I am a dual-enrolled freshman at Davenport University (in MI, USA) and for one of my assignments I have to create an interview with a professional in my chosen career field: a Software Developer. I have 10 questions that if someone could answer, it would be very appreciated and helpful. 1) How long have you been a Software Developer? 2) How did you become interested in this career? 3) What is your educational background? 4) Was your original education (highschool and college) adequate or were there areas in which you needed additional training? 5) What do you like most about your work? 6) What would you change about your job if you had the opportunity? 7) What skills do you wish you possessed when you started this job? 8) What tasks does a typical workday consist of for you? 9) What advice would you give someone starting out in this field? 10) Is there any other information you believe would be helpful? Thanks!

Looking to get in contact with some legacy media (cable news, print news, etc.) senior officials. Any advice?
Hi! I am currently writing a paper on legacy media operations and am trying to connect with some legacy media senior officials to discuss some data, ask questions, and try to learn more about the specific industry. Unfortunately, I am having trouble getting in contact with anyone. I have tried looking on LinkedIn and going directly to official websites, but, still, no luck. Any tips on how to get into contact with them?

how would you explain few days or few weeks of resume gap??
I just quit my job because I hated that company, job and they were going to fire me from the job. but I have a new job interview in a few days how would you explain a few days or a few weeks of resume gap??

What should I wear to a interview?
I know this title is quite general, but once I saw a video saying you shouldn't carry a backpack to a interview but instead a laptop bag or a briefcase. Is that necessary? Does using a laptop bag or a brief case look more professional?

First Ever Job Interview?
I just thought to share this because I'm extremely worried. So I'm 16 years old, I applied for many fast food restaurants and even retail stores but the only company that got back to me was Jack's. After I applied to them I literally received a message 30 minutes after completing the application to schedule and set up an interview up with them. So the interview I set up took place yesterday, it was my first job interview ever. Didn't know really what to expect and it went like this. So I first got there, was relatively 15 minutes early so I waited then met with the woman who was hiring me I guess. Honestly she looked like a younger employee not a HR manager. So we sat down and she didn't introduce herself at all, she immediately ask for my name, email, and was this my first job, which I thought was normal. Although, the message said to bring my ID and SSN card she didn't even bother to ask for it she immediately begin the interview with the question why do i want to work there. Mind you this interview was scheduled to be 30 minutes it literally only lasted 5-6 minutes she only asked me 2 QUESTIONS which I thought was very weird and a red flag. After that question she asked what days would I be available when school starts, so I gave her the info on that. Then after, she spoke about how they were letting people go because the employees they had would not be working and would often be on there phone and she gave me expectations on what she expects of me I guess. So after that, she said that was all and said the interview was over and that it was all she needed to here. She didn't ask what questions I had or anything she just ended it right then and there and got up. What really confused me is the fact she said she would send paperwork after the interview was over and im not sure what she means by that. I even asked her again will I be expecting a call back for the job offer or paperwork and she stated that I will be receiving paperwork again. Honestly, a no experience kid like me in the workforce, I just said ok and walked out of the store and thought nothing of it. Until it hit me on the way home, how would she send paperwork? Through the mail? What would the paperwork be about? When could I be expecting this paperwork? If i was paperwork why couldn't I do it there? It overall was just very confusing and I thought it was super unprofessional because she even cussed at one moment before we even began the interview. Mind you after all this I still don't even know the woman who was hiring me name. Does this mean I didn't get the job? is this a sign? Can any of you guys please share your opinion on this?

How can i prepare for a job interview?
How can i prepare for a job interview

How do I pass an interview?
I've done multiple interviews, I'm on a rejection streak, and I am in the dumps because of it. It seems to me like my resume and application is good enough to be offered an interview but when it comes to the interview, I choke up. I know everyone says to just be yourself, but i don't know how to do that. I'm not putting up a facade for these interviews, I think the problem is I don't know how to sPeAk and improv on the spot. I go to the interview practiced and prepared but it ends in agony and I don't know how to fix that. HELP.

Can you guys give me some ideas on what kind of assessments are given to junior technical art interns?
I am asking in the context of an advertising agency company that deals with mobile games, advertisements, and graphics. I'll be grateful for the advice. Thank you.❤

How to prepare for an art intern interview for an advertising agency company that works in various areas such as film, animation, and mobile apps?
Can anyone give me some steps and suggestions that would be helpful for the interview? I will be thankful for the advice.

Is there anyone that is a psychogolist I can interview?
Im a freshman in highschool that's interested in learning about psychology. For my college & career readiness class, I have to do a project on intervewing a professional and was wondering if there was anyone avaible before May 10.

What Are Good Practice Interview Sites ?
The reason I’m asking that is because I have a practice Mock Interview in my school in May and I want to know what websites I can use so I can begin practicing and earn a good score in my Mock Interview

How to answer "Tell me about yourself"? & What are some good interview questions to ask the hiring manager? I seem to be getting multiple interviews but no job.
I have a fashion interview coming up for a temp role that will get my foot in the door. I have a hard time asking questions or talking about myself pertaining fully to job description. I really want this job and just seem to keep having trouble.

I'm in a position where I can't accept most positions at this time. Should I still practice applying and interviewing for places, knowing that I most likely cannot accept the offer?
This question was asked during our Internships 101 webinar

Should we use AI to help write resumes/prep for interviews?
This question was asked by a learner during our Internships 101 webinar

How do I boost my resume?
How do I boost my resume as a person who does not have a lot of experience so that employers will hire me? What are the best tips to improve in this area?

How can one show that they are a strong candidate for full-time APM roles?
I'm a MIS major but haven't done a lot of technical interviews in the past, so not sure how to prepare for the interviews and tailor my resume to fit the role. Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated!!

Why is having a certification on Web Design not enough to get a job ?
I put in over 100th of application in online but i never get a response or an interview, on top of that how do i earn experience on the job o want if no one hires me to gain that experience.

HR skills?
Interview questions for an HR and skills and software required for an HR fresher?

Would anyone with a job in the field of business be willing to answer some questions?
Would anyone with a job in the field of business be willing to answer some questions? Can you state your position, my task is to interview someone and include their answers as a source.