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Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
2 Questions
246 Karma

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Harpreet’s Avatar
Harpreet Apr 20, 2017 1752 views

Whats the best way to deal with the people having negative attitude ? Should we stay with them ?

I kinda of like sharing my upcoming plans with people I know and most of the time they have negative feedback and tells me that they know this is not right and then put some logic to support their claim which is kind of right in their own way but very demoralizing. So what should one do when...

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Harpreet Apr 12, 2017 1185 views

What is the best way to decide career?

It is really confusing and frustrating when this question comes to mind and I often wonder am I doing right by choosing physics as a career because there are so many other things I I think I am good at. However, i like physics but I am not sure if I am really good at this. So can anyone tell me...