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Gabe Cohen’s Avatar

Gabe Cohen

Software Development Engineer at Workday
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Pleasanton, California
2 Answers
3137 Reads
46 Karma

Active Locations

Devetra’s Avatar
Devetra Apr 27, 2017 1253 views

When starting your own tech company what are some potential setbacks one would face?

Thinking about starting a tech company. #technology #entrepreneurship

Brenda’s Avatar
Brenda Apr 30, 2017 1924 views

Is there a cut-off for relevant information on resumes on Linked In, or should you include everything?

**For everyone who doesn’t have a LinkedIn and is reading this, I’d advise you to make one right now! It helps a lot, and even just making one and adding new things to it helps so much! LinkedIn is getting increasingly more popular with both employers and job-seekers. My university highly...