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Zainab Monehin’s Avatar

Zainab Monehin

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
3 Answers
832 Reads
1 Karma

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sophie’s Avatar
sophie Mar 21 656 views

What type of headphones would you recomend for me to become a singer ?

i read 1 of the answers and they said to get headphones i don't have the headphones i need to become a band/singer

Jeremy’s Avatar
Jeremy Mar 20 1322 views

What career paths could I potentially be in ?

I am currently 16 and a junior in high school, I take a Arts and Media class but I am unsure that I'd like a career path in that but more of a engineering interest. What steps should I do to know what to do for the future?

aya’s Avatar
aya Mar 21 696 views

What should be the first step after undergraduate school in finding a job related to psychology?

I plan on taking a gap year to get experience within the field before going back to graduate school in hopes of a Masters. I don't know how to find a job in the field though and want experience. What should I do?