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John Futrell’s Avatar

John Futrell

Music Artist and Producer at Sugo Music Group
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Morristown, New Jersey
3 Answers
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DeMarjae ’s Avatar
DeMarjae Feb 22, 2017 1765 views

How long does it take to become a quality musician?

I play the drums i have been playing since i was 5 and I haven't played in a while and this what i want to do so I am asking this question so I will know for myself if I am working hard enough to reach this goal #music #drumming

Keyri’s Avatar
Keyri Mar 22, 2017 1283 views

How much would you spend in making your studio if you do want to get into music production?

I'm asking this question because i'm in high school and thinking about starting my music production career.Since, i'm in choir it really has influenced me too to get into sore type of music career.I know that it's gonna take hard work and dedication to start ,but i'm willing to do it. #music...

Nikki’s Avatar
Nikki Feb 10, 2017 954 views

If i was a music teacher should I keep up with the music my students would like

I am in a music class and many always complain about the music. #teaching #music