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Ryan DeRoos Blum’s Avatar

Ryan DeRoos Blum

Theatre professional
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
3 Answers
4087 Reads
16 Karma

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Chyna’s Avatar
Chyna Aug 07, 2018 1350 views

Should I start asking about internships after or before college?

#bachelors #media #entertainment #sports-media

Zoe’s Avatar
Zoe Apr 21, 2016 2185 views

What careers can an individual with a business degree choose from if they're primarily interested in entertainment and tourism?

Hello! I wanted to know if there were any people out there who might be able to give me some insight on how it is working in entertainment/ tourism as a business major. What is your title? How did you get there? What were some of your past titles? What could a business major do working at an...

Emily’s Avatar
Emily May 15, 2016 1491 views

Advice for someone interested in set design?

I am interested in set design and was wondering if someone could give me some advice. Either some books or videos you'd recommend. Also, if you know any set designers that I should look into, because I only know what I've learned from a few basic theatre classes. Thanks! #theatre #theater...