Career questions tagged bachelors

what different job occupations would I be able to get if I were to have a bachelors in Anthropology?
I’m trying to broaden my options but always let down by peoples answers of it’s a lousy major or just careers with a masters/phd and not much as entry level jobs. I’m way into my major to opt out now as I’m a lower junior in college rn. edit: thank you for the responses!

Which classes/ steps do I have to take in order to get a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering?
Tips for mechanical engineering

How hard is it to get into Uofwaterloo as a transfer from McGill electrical engineering ?
Hello, I am an incoming freshman at Mcgill (electrical engineering). Due to unforeseen circumstances, I was unable to apply to Waterloo this year; however, I intend to conduct a credit transfer next year! Can somebody inform me what stats are required for a transfer to the University of Waterloo? Yes, I Googled it, but I'd want to hear from someone who has

What is my next step? job? or internship?
I want to be a PA, which requires a master's degree; however, I am about to get my BA. Where should I start after getting my BA to pursue that career?

how come you have to take years of college just to be in debt and most likely can't get a job because u aren't familiar with the work like others ?
how come you have to take years of college just to be in debt and most likely can't get a job because u aren't familiar with the work like others ?

Whats the best options for bachelors if I am unsure of what kind of doctor I want to be?
I'm curious to what my options are before getting into med school. I have no idea what kind of doctor/surgeon I want to become yet. Thank you!

Should I prioritize getting a Bachelors degree or getting job certifications?
I have a two-year degree in what is essentially digital photography (my childhood dream) that I got immediately after high school. I have since decided that this isn’t a good fit for me as a career, and have been struggling to find my first job. In 2019, I went back to my local community college to take some professional development classes to try and build my resume. These classes so far have been training in MS Word, Excel, and Access, communication skills, and customer service skills. I’ve had to step away for a bit for personal reasons, but I plan to start working towards the Professional Administrative Certificate of Excellence (PACE Certification) in the next few weeks. But. I’ve recently learned that the college money that my parents set aside for me is still available - they paid for my community college degree out of pocket (which completely blows my mind). It’s a nest egg big enough that I can essentially get a bachelors degree for “free” without taking out any student loans. This is an amazing opportunity that I am lucky to have, and I want to make sure that I use this money wisely. My parents have been super generous by letting me live at home until I can get my feet under me…but I’m now in my early 30s. My dad plans to retire next year. We’re currently trying to navigate what that looks like, but I want to be financially independent as quickly as possible so I don’t become a leech. I don’t know if I am necessarily trying to choose my entire career right now. I’ve always been told that education was the key to a good life and career, and I don’t want to waste this money. I am currently looking for work and doing all the things associated with that - I am constantly applying for jobs, I volunteer, I’ve taken several job/career assessments, I’m getting into networking, etc. I’m trying to cast as wide of a net as possible to find this first job - I’m open to almost anything. So - what would be the best strategy for my situation? Should I go for the bachelors degree? Or should I focus on getting certified in various job fields/disciplines and get my bachelors after I find employment? What is the quickest route to a job that will allow me to finally move out of my parents’ house (and, preferably, to buy my own home)?

I love art, but I don't think it is wise to major in it because of the low variety of jobs with this career. What would be some alternate options to continue my love and my personal education in art without a bachelors in it.
Could anyone have any thoughts on how to help my dilemma?

What master’s could I get with a bachelor's in criminal justice?
I am graduating soon with a bachelor's in Criminal Justice. I’m considering getting my master's, and I'm not sure what my options are. I don’t want a master's in criminal justice. What are my other options? #masters #criminaljustice #bachelors

National University Bachelor of Science
Has anyone completed the Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Design Engineering program with National University online? If so, what did you like and/or not like about the program? #bachelors #NationalUniversity #Engineering

Is it possible If i become bachelor of engineering in information technology and then i give exam of the remaining subjects of computer engineering which is not in information technology and then becoming bachelor of engineering in both computer engineering and information engineering.
#informationtechnology #computerengineering #bachelors

In what situation can you list a degree you're working on as your title?
For example, I'm applying to graduate school in psychology this semester. By the time I attend the graduate program, I will have completed my B.A. However, on my applications, should I list myself as "Alexandra C., B.A." or not? The only similar situation I can think of is people who have "ABD" but I wouldn't know another equivalent. #psychology #college-admissions #graduate-school #applications #bachelors

Should I take the Singapore Government Grant for undergraduate studies?
I am a high school student from Bangladesh. I have recently been accepted to Yale-NUS College for the class of 2023. I have an option to take the Government grant that will allow me to pay subsidised fees but I will have to take up a bond to work for 3 years in a Singapore-registered company after my studies. I am interested in pursuing a career in Artificial Intelligence research and I intend to pursue a phd. I have 3 options now: 1) I can take the grant but it will mean that I will have to work for 3 years before pursuing my next studies; 2) I can take student loans instead of the grant and pay them back after getting a job; or 3) I can study in a public university in Bangladesh on a very low cost and then pursue my higher studies abroad. If you recommend to take the grant, can you suggest some companies that I can work with to fulfill my bond with a Bachelor of Science degree and also gain experience that will help me in pursing a career in AI research. Thank you in advance. #college #singapore #ai #artificialintelligence #technology #undergraduate #computer #bachelors #science

How is the process of receiving a bachelor's degree in business management?
#buisness #bachelors #management

How to do an art therapy portfolio?
Hello, my name is Briana and I would like to ask any artists or art therapists of career village: how did you organize your portfolio and what type of work would you recommend including? I imagine it varies program to program, but I was simply curious. Knowing once I do finish with my bachelor's program, I will need a portfolio to apply to said graduate programs and would like to know if I can save current art work I've made from my classes so far or have a list of upcoming suggestions when I can later make them. Thank you in advance for any responses and I hope you all have a good day! #art #psychology #college #art-therapy #artist #firstgeneration #masters #career #bachelors #portfolio #career

What art therapy programs would you recommend?
Hello there, Briana here! I am a current community college student, planning on graduating later this spring semester and I wanted to ask about any art therapy graduate programs so I may later choose the right school and bachelor's programs for me. I generally know a lot of the programs are private institutions, although I'm not technically sure if I want to consider being in or out college of state, cost, plans of work transportation and so forth. I had the resources from school; but being it was a while since I was actively searching (when not swamped with coursework), I'm not sure where to jump in. Any and all information would be greatly appreciated and thank you to anyone who responds in advance. #art #psychology #college-advice #career #art-therapy #masters #bachelors

Is bachelors in aircraft maintenance engineering good choice and what can one do after completing in jobs and masters ( MBA ).
After bachelors in aircraft maintenance engineering , can one work at aviation manufacturing and design companies ? Is preferable doing Bachelors in aircraft maintenance engineering ? #aircraftengineer #bachelors #aeronauticalengineering #students #aerospace #engineering

I want to get my bachelors in biomedical engineering. Do engineers get laid off a lot? Is it hard to find a job with a engineering degree?
#engineering #biomedical-engineering #job #bachelors #pursue #medicine

Is it enough nowadays having a bachelors degree?
I’m considering getting a masters in the future because the way I see it the competition is getting way harder and a bachelors isn’t as impressive as it was before. So I’m thinking if it’s worth getting a masters. #bachelors #florida

What is one of the classes you think would be the hardest to take for bachaleorate in science in nursing? As well as is it better to start in community college for two years then going to a higher level school or to just stay in a community college for four years??
#bachelors #nursing #pediatric #collegeconsideration

Linguistic majors with bachelor's degrees, what struggles did you face once you tried to enter the workforce?
I'm considering pursuing a Linguistics major for my BA. I've read that it's quite hard to get a job unless you also have Computer Science minor/double major paired with Linguistics, which isn't quite my plan, though I'm considering pairing Linguistics with CS if it becomes clear that pursuing Linguistics alone is worthless. So, for those who have majored in Linguistics, what are some future struggles to be aware of? Is Linguistics worth pursuing if I don't get involved with Computer Science? #college #bachelors #Computer Science #CSMajor #LingusticsMajor #BA #CS #Linguistics #struggles #work #future #job #major #in #linguistics

Should I start asking about internships after or before college?
#bachelors #media #entertainment #sports-media

Which has more career options: A Bachelors in Business or A Bachelors in Economics?
As a soon to be high school graduate, I'm trying to figure out my best decision in life. I want to be a real estate lawyer, but keep my options open. #business #economics #career-path #bachelors

African American Studies Degree?
What job could you really get with this degree? Also, what are some experiences in this class? Hate it? Love it? Let me know!#college-major #bachelors #humanities #african-american #studies

If you have a degree in Computer Science, what kind of jobs will you be able to get?
Will you be able to travel across the country? I have only seen a couple of movies where a person works with computer science but to be completely honest I don't know that they do, it seems as hacking is the only excitement that they get? What are the fun aspects of this major and what is the highest potential with this major? Lastly, what qualities should the ideal candidate have for this major? #computer-software #stem #bachelors #computerscience