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Delwin Hinkle’s Avatar

Delwin Hinkle

Valuations at Fannie Mae
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Herndon, Virginia
7 Answers
9105 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

Odalis’s Avatar
Odalis Mar 08, 2017 1193 views

What are the biggest difficulties of starting your own business?

I am a high school interested in entrepreneurship. #business #finance #entrepreneurship #business-development

Abdulwahab’s Avatar
Abdulwahab Jan 14, 2017 1630 views

What is the typical entry-level salary in Fianance?

What is the typical entry-level salary in Finance? #college #business #finance #accounting #job-search #financial-analysis #financial-planning

Logan’s Avatar
Logan Feb 03, 2017 1460 views

Where is the best area to live that will offer me the best opportunities as an accountant?

I'm very interested in pursuing my interests and becoming an accountant, but I need to figure out where to start. Some careers offer better opportunities in different places around the world, for example a fashion designer shouldn't live in Missouri because they won't have as big of a market as...

Ayomide ’s Avatar
Ayomide Mar 20, 2017 1672 views

Does an accounting student need to go to graduate school?

Accounting student at Towson university #accounting

Brent’s Avatar
Brent Mar 16, 2016 1506 views

What was the best piece of advice anyone gave you about getting into finance?

I would really love to hear what your most valuable piece of advice was that helped you get to where you are now and who gave it to you. #finance #financial-services #investment-management #investing

Zach’s Avatar
Zach May 27, 2016 1139 views

Is it better to earn a Bachelor's in Accounting then go on to earn your Master's before taking the CPA? Or would an integrated BS/MS in Accounting be better?

New accounting major with the goal of earning my CPA.

Aljed’s Avatar
Aljed Mar 14, 2016 1462 views

How do you get clients in investing?

Whose job is it to get clients? How hard of a job is that? Also, I'm not sure if they're called clients, or what you would call them. Sorry if I'm not using the right terms for this. I just mean customers. #finance #financial-services #investment-management #investing