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Marina Dunn’s Avatar

Marina Dunn

Undergraduate Research Assistant at Steward Observatory Radio Astronomy Laboratory
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Military Specific Occupations
Tucson, Arizona
2 Answers
1891 Reads
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Lizeth’s Avatar
Lizeth Jul 24, 2017 1089 views

How did you start to work in NASA?

I'll be attending UC Santa Barbara and I'll be majoring in physics with a minor in astronomy. I hope to work in the astronomy field but I have no idea how to get started. #astronomy #physics #career-details

Minh’s Avatar
Minh May 08, 2016 951 views

What can I do with an Astrophysics dilopma?

I am interested in becoming an astrophysicist, however I do not know what kind of job I can do. #astronomy #astrophysics