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Branisha’s Avatar


New Orleans, Louisiana
3 Questions
71 Karma

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Branisha’s Avatar
Branisha Aug 31, 2017 1356 views

As an athletic trainer, what is the feeling you get when you rush on the field or court to help a player?

I would love to be an athletic trainer. I want to help players recover faster and find ways to prevent injuries. #athletic-training #athletic-trainer #physical-therapy

Branisha’s Avatar
Branisha Aug 31, 2017 896 views

How does a great actor get their start?

I want be a actor and also a director. #film-acting #motion-pictures-and-film #film

Branisha’s Avatar
Branisha Aug 31, 2017 1129 views

How long does it take to get into the film industry?

How long and how much work does it take be a great director? Like Tyler Perry and Gary Marshall. #film-production #motion-pictures-and-film #film-making