Sarah’s Career Goals
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what stepwise planning i should doo persue my career as adental officer at government sectors like defence or army or airforce?
I m persuing my BDS degree currently nd wld do my internship soon...would like suggesti
ns on how to start and approach
what exams I shld prepare for
how shld I prepare myself for further #government #indian airforce #army ...# defence #india #air-force

After doing engineering in IT..what are later degrees or pathways to choose to become sucessful in this field ?
I am doing my last year diploma in IT ...after which i am going to degree in IT ... #it #it-sales #it-security #it-operations

career options in dentistry
I Want to be a successful doctor in this field so want to know which fields in dentistry are most workable onesand how I can improve my practise...I do want) to know the options of other BDS of what options they Chose after their course #bds #mds

what career options would lead to working with NASA?
since childhood I always wanted to work at NASA and earn big bucks disregarding the job I get.....now I completed my 10 n am confused what to choose either IT , comp eng , electronics and telecom or electrical eng which will lead the way to my dream. I aslo want to know its difficulty levels...