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Mary Winkler’s Avatar

Mary Winkler

Film and Media Arts at Temple University
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations - Production Occupations
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
7 Answers
6425 Reads
16 Karma

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Kaino’s Avatar
Kaino May 27, 2016 1095 views

What are the steps you should take during college to better your chances of employment in the film industry after college.

i am a senior in high school going on to college soon to study film, and i am curious to know what are the best steps to take to ensure employment in the film industry after college. #film #in #film-production #industry

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Aug 17, 2016 917 views

What colleges are advised for a successful career in sports entertainment ?

According to a website I'm visiting I can earn scholarships for setting aside my pride and asking my questions regarding sports entertainment. I would like to know the answer to this so that I can help my brother who is a senior in high school choose a school that's best for him. #college...

Ursula’s Avatar
Ursula Apr 09, 2017 1286 views

How many softwares should I get familiar with?

I'm still in university and I plan on working in Post Production, I'm currently familiar working with Avid and Premiere Pro are there any other software that I should learn while I'm still studying? #computer-software #software #film-production #editing #video-editing #post-production #short-films

Jocelyn’s Avatar
Jocelyn Sep 01, 2017 824 views

Are there any scholarships out there for students that are first generation and live in GA?

I'm trying to find scholarships for first year students but they all seem to be for other states besides GA. Any help??


Cheyenne’s Avatar
Cheyenne Sep 01, 2017 890 views

Where can you find scholarships that will give you more than $1,000?

All the scholarships I have been applying to are just $1,000. I know money is money and receiving any kind of that for college is good, but I just want to help my parents out more. If anyone can help me figure that out, I will be grateful! #collegeisstressful #college-scholarships

RIcardo’s Avatar
RIcardo Sep 27, 2017 912 views

What strategies can I use to better my acting?

My name is Ricardo I am in 10th grade and I want to know what methods can I use to strengthen my acting. #acting #film-acting

Myran’s Avatar
Myran Aug 31, 2017 891 views

what major do you need for flim and audio editing?

I'm a high school senior and I need to know how to pursue a career in film and audio editing. #film-editing #audio-editing