Career questions tagged firstgeneration

How to do an art therapy portfolio?
Hello, my name is Briana and I would like to ask any artists or art therapists of career village: how did you organize your portfolio and what type of work would you recommend including? I imagine it varies program to program, but I was simply curious. Knowing once I do finish with my bachelor's program, I will need a portfolio to apply to said graduate programs and would like to know if I can save current art work I've made from my classes so far or have a list of upcoming suggestions when I can later make them. Thank you in advance for any responses and I hope you all have a good day! #art #psychology #college #art-therapy #artist #firstgeneration #masters #career #bachelors #portfolio #career

What are mistakes most college students make?
I know that this applies to many minorities like myself, who are going to be first generation college students, we don’t really have a guide or somebody to tell us what we should watch out for and what mistakes not to make since nobody in our family can warn us about this. #FirstGeneration

What type of support is offered for freshman
#student #goingtocollege #firstgeneration #letsdothis

Can I still graduate in Four years even though my classes are not college level?
I was accepted into University of California San Diego but my classes are not college level and I feel like I won't be able to gradate in those four years. As a first generation college student I feel like all the pressure is on me and I have a feeling I am not ready for UC's. I want to become a general Pediatrician but with all theses classes that I am behind it may affect if I can even be a doctor or not. #firstgeneration #medicine #life

Are there any scholarships out there for students that are first generation and live in GA?
I'm trying to find scholarships for first year students but they all seem to be for other states besides GA. Any help?? #college #scholarships #highschoolsenior #firstgeneration