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Burak Akatay’s Avatar

Burak Akatay

Channel Engagement Manager at Dell
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Istanbul, Turkey
3 Answers
3015 Reads
16 Karma

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Will’s Avatar
Will Mar 21, 2018 1113 views

How did you know what major/career was right for you?

I am interested in a lot of subjects (math, science, English, music), but how do I know which one to pursue as a career?


Kellen’s Avatar
Kellen Mar 16, 2018 1108 views

At what point in your college career did you decide on which direction to take?

I am currently interested in enrolling in Electrical Engineering. However, there are so many different directions within this field, I'm not sure which one I should take. At what point in your college career did you figure it out? #electricalengineering #electrical-engineering...

Ellen’s Avatar
Ellen Oct 26, 2016 965 views

What is computer engineering? What kind of occupation can you get with this major?

I am interested in majoring in computer engineering and want to know what it is. #computer-science #computer-engineering