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Nicole Gosselin ’s Avatar

Nicole Gosselin

Boston, Massachusetts
3 Answers
2443 Reads
1 Karma

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Bianca’s Avatar
Bianca Jan 23, 2018 752 views

What advice can you give to a woman pursuing a career in the medical field?

For the past 2-3 years, I am still a bit lost in what specific career I want to pursue. I know I want to be in the medical field or a hospital setting, but still unsure of what exactly I want to pursue.

#college #medical-life

Christian’s Avatar
Christian Sep 01, 2017 920 views

How does a student make the most out of attending a professional conference?

I'm going to be attending a Student Affairs professional conference in October, which will be my first ever attendance at a professional conference. I'm looking to make the most out of this experience and to develop good practices for attendance at future conferences, so I wanted to ask for...

Ebony’s Avatar
Ebony May 18, 2016 969 views

Is college anything like high school?

Once you get used to high school it seems like it would be hard to transition to a whole other school and lifestyle. #graduate