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What are the universities/college that train people to be a freight-forwarder?
I need to learn where some universities or colleges to get information about being freigth-forwarder #college-selection #training #job-skills #freightforwarders
What is your favorite part of your job?
I am currently deciding on whether to major in journalism, advertising, public relations, or media studies and would love to read some input on what your favorite and least favorite parts of your job is. Some of the more important aspects when searching for a career that best suits me is a...
How can I expand my knowledge on colleges I will potentially be attending?
I am going into my junior year of high school, a big year for many students who are planning to attend college after graduating. I have to study for the SATs, take the SATs, start applying for scholarships and to colleges/universities. Before I start applying to colleges though, I would like to...