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Saint Paul, Minnesota
2 Questions
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Arianna’s Avatar
Arianna Jan 15, 2018 967 views

Do you go to college for the degree or experience?

I talk to so many of my fellow graduating seniors and all they talk about is the experience of college. However, when I mention academics they tend to turn their head away. I just wonder what do most people attend college for? More of the experience of academics?

#college #academicsorexperiance

Arianna’s Avatar
Arianna Jan 15, 2018 879 views

Is law school a good decision for an aspiring politician?

My dream job is to an elected official. Many officials as of today have law degrees. Would it be smart for me to go to law school as well?
#Ismoreschoolingalwaysgood #Brokecollegestudent #lawschool