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Joliet, Illinois
4 Questions
657 Karma

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Arturo Feb 26, 2021 878 views

PTIN question


If i have a PTIN that i received from the firm that i work at. I am able to use that same PTIN number for when i prepare tax returns on my behalf. With my owe business. #pro #help #taxhelp #accountant #CPA #ASAP #confused #taxreturns

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Arturo Jan 08, 2021 1087 views

Tax Season

Hello, I decided this year that i want to prepare 1040 returns, and i just wondering if anyone would be kind enough to answer some questions i have about preparing. They are are as followed: 1) Do i need to come up with a business name if i am the only who will be preparing taxes? If so does...

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Arturo Jan 16, 2018 1911 views

Best place to work as a CPA

i was just wondering where is best to work as a CPA #accounting #cpa

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Arturo Jan 16, 2018 3878 views

How is the CPA exam?

I was just wondering if someone can tell me what is the CPA exam like #accounting #cpa