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Vilma’s Avatar


Tempe, Arizona
4 Questions
247 Karma

Vilma’s Career Goals

I want to be a general surgeon at a research/teaching hospital in the United States.

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Vilma’s Avatar
Vilma Mar 17, 2020 849 views

How will COVID-19 effect my first semester of college?

I have a lot of questions such as: Should I expect my first semester as college to be online? How does this affect my financial aid? Will I need to still pay the full tuition price? Will I be required to still live on campus (or will I even be able to)? What should I expect in these next few...

Vilma’s Avatar
Vilma Mar 17, 2020 713 views

How will this virus affect my chance at getting an on campus job (especially if my financial aid package could change)?

I know that I will need to work a lot on campus. Will I be able to?
#financial-aid #college #finance #scholarship #scholarship #COVID-19

Vilma’s Avatar
Vilma Mar 17, 2020 732 views

Do you COVID-19 will impact the result of how many students will be accepted into selective universities this year?

As a senior who has applied to a various number of schools, I was surprised to hear I was waitlisted at a school I expected to be accepted into. Other than other factors that absolutely could have affected this decision, do you think #COVID-19 will change how many students colleges across the...

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Vilma Jan 16, 2018 1017 views

What can you do in high school to make yourself appear more competitive when applying to a pre-me program?

I’m a sophomore in high school and wondering about what I could be doing now to make myself appear a strong and willing candidate for an exceptional pre-med program in college. I have always wanted to go into the medical field, but never sure about what I could be doing to make myself stand out...