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Waverly, Iowa
2 Questions
156 Karma

Eamonn’s Career Goals

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Eamonn’s Avatar
Eamonn Jan 16, 2018 823 views

How hard can it be to get a career in a field unrelated to your major?

I'm looking forward to college and studying Biology (or Geology) and writing/communication. I'm gonna play music and two sports on the side, work a job, hang out with friends, and pretty much whale away at my future without a shred of a plan. Ok, so I'm kidding about that last part, but I...

Eamonn’s Avatar
Eamonn Jan 16, 2018 1090 views

Is it wise to pursue a career that is more likely to make you happy than make you a lot of money?

I've always been interested in the sciences, and up until recently I was almost 100% sure I was going to go into microbiology and get a job with the US Navy medical division. That still sounds really interesting and cool, but I don't know if I want to spend the rest of my life staring at...