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Chenango Forks, New York
2 Questions
81 Karma

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Michael’s Avatar
Michael Jan 17, 2018 973 views

How will the future of North American economy affect my own future?

I have high ambitions and goals to achieve in my life, and though I do wish to excel in all possible aspects of my life, I worry about the instability of the United States' economic system. Considering history's tendency to repeat itself due to human ignorance and general myopia, the economic...

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Jan 16, 2018 847 views

Should I enroll in an early college program?

I have been presented with the option to attend the Clarkson school in my senior year of high school, an offer that would essentially enroll me as a college student earlier than normal. I would attend the college and take college classes, in tandem with the courses required by my current school...