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Reginald’s Avatar


Chula Vista, California
2 Questions
89 Karma

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Reginald’s Avatar
Reginald Jan 17, 2018 1368 views

Can the life of an occupational Therapist, be as daunting as an OB/GYN?

I wanted compare and contrast actual happiness and satisfaction, to a rewarding profession that pays well, but has many different stressors. #medicine #women #gynecology #career #hospital #therapy

Reginald’s Avatar
Reginald Jan 17, 2018 901 views

As an aspiring entrepreneur how much of my future is dictated by the stock market rather than actual product and marketing produced?

I’m asking because the chances of becoming a multimillionaire as an Entrepreneur rival that of making the NFl, so I wanted to know if early participation in the global stock market will raise my chances of success in the long run.#business #wealth #stocks #marketing-and-advertising #product...