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New York, New York
2 Questions
81 Karma

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Kristina’s Avatar
Kristina Jan 17, 2018 697 views

How do you find time between schoolwork, actual work and a social life?

I'm not particularly rich... I'm most definitely getting a job to start making money when I get to college. But homework and studying sounds rough. How do you make friends in between that? Will I get the chance to join any clubs or will I be locked up in my dorm either doing homework or, I...

Kristina’s Avatar
Kristina Jan 17, 2018 685 views

How long does it take you to cope with a new area?

I've been watching a lot of YouTube videos about first day experiences and living in the new dorm in a new environment and most of the people who are taking videos seem pretty confident in themselves. I've never moved before in my ENTIRE LIFE and now all of a sudden I'm getting kicked out and...