Career questions tagged stressed

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undefined's avatar
PreciousJun 18, 20241531 views

Is it possible to get admission into colleges if you made a mistake in high school and got suspended before? im very nervous for this upcoming college applying process and don’t know if ill be able to get admission anywhere. #Spring23

I’ve been thinking about it a lot and im very scared, i want to go to a four year college but don’t know if ill be accepted anywhere. #Spring23

answer icon2 answers
Active Jun 20, 2024
location iconBaltimore
undefined's avatar
NormaNov 10, 2023411 views

How stress are you?

when doing your job with what ever it is do you often get stressed easily.

answer icon2 answers
Active Feb 06, 2024
location iconBullhead City
undefined's avatar
EllaNov 08, 2023788 views

Did you know what you wanted to study going into college?

I am a high school student and I am learning about college and I don't know what I want to be when I am older. I am confused and stressed about what I want to do and I have a variety range of things from psychology, radiology, or hairstylist.

answer icon5 answers
Active Feb 05, 2024
location iconOtsego
undefined's avatar
MorriganOct 20, 20233050 views

How different is high school from college What are some lifestyle and workload differences? Do you have any financial or time-management tips?

I am a high school senior who is an undecided major. Since I will be moving out, I am worried about managing my life myself. I'm currently in 4 AP classes, so I have a large workload for a highschooler and I'm curious how much college will compare to that.

answer icon12 answers
Active Jan 12, 2024
location iconHudsonville
undefined's avatar
cheyanneOct 13, 20233550 views

What are the best ways to keep your focus on one goal?

I have a hard time focusing and making sure everything I do is correct, how do I fix this?

answer icon9 answers
Active Dec 10, 2023
location iconModesto
undefined's avatar
OliviaOct 08, 2023434 views

How am I going to handle all of the stress in college if I can’t even handle the stress from 8th grade?

I have so much homework all of the time and have dance everyday of the week so I can barely get it done. I am terrible at science but I want to become a doctor which includes a lot of scientific knowledge in it.

answer icon3 answers
Active Dec 19, 2023
location iconPittsburgh
undefined's avatar
IsabelMay 04, 2023593 views

How should I create my weaknesses one of my strengths?

I can create one of my weaknesses one of my strengths, instead of stressing over everything think it out and not stress about it.

answer icon3 answers
Active Sep 21, 2023
location iconSan Luis
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EllieApr 15, 20231401 views

How do I improve my focus?

I am a high school jr who is taking some difficult college courses from a local university. The workload requires almost all of my free time. Finals are coming up in two weeks, and if I don't do almost perfectly on the exams I will not be making an A in two of my classes. I have struggled all semester to get my work done. I study all day and still don't get everything accomplished.

answer icon8 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconSan Francisco
undefined's avatar
GwenApr 12, 20231432 views

How do you deal with stress?

In school it gets really overwhelming and stressful and the teachers and peers just keep talking making me even more stressed and i don't know anything to help my stress when i cant get out of the class.

answer icon10 answers
Active Apr 25, 2024
location iconAstoria
undefined's avatar
kendraDec 09, 2022556 views

endocrinology questions

Do you ever get stressed/bored of your job?

answer icon4 answers
Active Apr 03, 2023
location iconCastroville
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AllisonNov 16, 20221565 views

What is the best way to manage my time in high school am having trouble with how to organize my activities, what would be some recommendations??

Hi am Allison, am currently a sophomore and am struggling with how to manage my time, I have a job and other responsibilities at home plus my homework and studying. but I also want to have fun and I feel like don't have enough time. :(

answer icon4 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconPaterson
undefined's avatar
AllisonNov 16, 20221166 views

What is the best way to manage my time in high school ? am having trouble on how to organize my activities, what would be some recommendations?

Hi am Allison, am currently a sophomore and am struggling with how to manage my time, I have a job and other responsibilities at home plus my homework and studying. but I also want to have fun and I feel like don't have enough time. :(

answer icon5 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconPaterson
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MylesOct 30, 20221045 views

What should one major in if they are completely unsure of what they want to do??

I am a junior in highschool, and Im reaching that point where I have to start applying. Ive taken a bunch of AP's, etc, but still don't know what I want to do.

answer icon4 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconSan Francisco
undefined's avatar
RoyalOct 13, 2018880 views

How to handle life in general

Im too busy with everything going on for college? what to do. #stressed

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconChicago
undefined's avatar
KaraAug 30, 2018886 views

What is the best way to keep on top of all your classes, tests and homework without getting overwhelmed?

#Stressed #needtostaybalanced

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconRexburg
undefined's avatar
GinaAug 28, 2018838 views

Where is a good place to start when applying for colleges and scholarships?

Money will be an issue for me that is why I'm trying to gauge my options from what schools are offering me, what scholarships I am able to receive and how much I am able to get through FAFSA, which I won't even get to do until at least February. So where do I start with all of this? I'm trying not to let it stress me out but yeah. #stressed #collegeapps #scholarships #help #FAFSA #money

answer icon3 answers
Active Jan 24, 2019
location iconWinchester
undefined's avatar
MaddyJul 10, 2018818 views

When is the best time to apply for college?

I'm a Senior and don't know when to start applying. #stressed

answer icon1 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconPhoenix
undefined's avatar
AlanaMay 14, 2018810 views

Why is applying for scholarships soooooo harddddddd?

The only thing between me and my dream school is money. I have been trying every trick in the book and nothing seems to be working out, they all have these crazy requirements that I just don't fit. #stressed

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconNashua
undefined's avatar
AlexandriaApr 16, 2018950 views

What are the best ways to prepare for the sat?

I'm nervous about the test because the first time I took it I didn't get such a great score. #stressed #collegereadiness

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconCrete
undefined's avatar
JaquanApr 15, 2018634 views

What is the best way to manage time and stray from procrastination?

I am asking this question because I am one who has poor time management. I also suffer from laziness and procrastination, thus causing me to perform mediocrely rather than brilliantly. This also makes me afraid of college due to the responsibility of self-discipline and time management. #stressed

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconEast Orange
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BridgetApr 12, 20181197 views

How Did You Figure Out What Your Dream Job Was?

I'm a high school senior who has wanted to be a veterinarian ever since middle school, but after shadowing every veterinarian in my area, I realized that I did not want to be a veterinarian anymore. Since then, I have changed my "career path" numerous times. I thought I wanted to be a wildlife biologist, a photographer, a dancer, a choreographer, a systems architect, a lawyer, an environmentalist, a teacher, a surgeon, and more. I just can't decide on anything and due to the fact that I have my 2-year AA degree (through PSEO) my generals are all completed so I really only need to do 2 more years of college for my intended major, but I don't know what it is yet. Any advice would be appreciated! #stressed #help #veterinarian #dance #choreography #wildlife-biology #environmental-science #systemsarchitect #surgeon #teacher #lawyer #photography #pseo

answer icon4 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconBlaine
undefined's avatar
EliseMar 28, 20181250 views

Is it crucial to declare a major your first year of college?

I am concerned because I am still undecided on my major. I am worried that if i do not declare my major freshman year, I may be losing time in classes that are unrelated to the major I decide. I definitely have majors in mind, including #architecture, #design and #business. However, I want to be prepared and I am #stressed #information-architecture #interior-design

answer icon3 answers
Active Apr 05, 2019
location iconSpringfield
undefined's avatar
CaridadJan 26, 2018760 views

Do you have any suggestions for some easy scholarships I could sign up for?

#help #dont-know-what-im-doing #stressed #college-stress #hopeidontewnduphomeless #help-a-bro-out #thanks

answer icon1 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconMiami
undefined's avatar
LaurenJan 21, 20181137 views

How difficult is it to live on your own for the first time?

I will be moving out to go to school two hours away from my parents. I have never had to really worry about expenses before. Sure I had my credit card, union dues, and other things that were minimal in cost. The thought of being responsible for everything is stressing my out. #stressed #anxious #excited #newexperiences #personal-development #college

answer icon4 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconCovington
undefined's avatar
AmandaJan 19, 20181344 views

Are loans worth it?

My job barely pays enough for rent let alone school, but I have to pay loans back at some point and there's no guarantee I'll get a good job. #school #stressed #financial-planning #loans

answer icon5 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconCorvallis
undefined's avatar
LukeJan 18, 20181374 views

How do college students balance work with fun?

I am currently a senior in high school and I struggle to have much of a social life due to my school work load. Is the work load going equal or more time consuming? #Stressed #work-life-balance #college-advice

answer icon6 answers
Active Mar 09, 2024
location iconFayetteville
undefined's avatar
KristinaJan 17, 2018728 views

How do you find time between schoolwork, actual work and a social life?

I'm not particularly rich... I'm most definitely getting a job to start making money when I get to college. But homework and studying sounds rough. How do you make friends in between that? Will I get the chance to join any clubs or will I be locked up in my dorm either doing homework or, I don't know, waitressing? I know people have done it before. How do you stay sane? How do you do it?? #stressed

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconMiddle Village
undefined's avatar
JoanaJan 16, 20181128 views

How can I deal with stress?

#stressed #life-balance I'm in my second semester of Junior high and I've been stressed since day one. I work throughout the whole weekend to help my mom around the house, but I barely have enough time to study only weekdays. I barely even have enough time for myself. How can I deal with the stress of school and life?

answer icon6 answers
Active Feb 13, 2019
location iconHouston
undefined's avatar
ZonaJan 16, 20181079 views

is 2.7 a good GPA?

I am high school senior and i am asking this question because i am worried that how i am gonna get admission in colleges with this GPA and also stressed about graduation. #stressed

answer icon1 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconHouston
undefined's avatar
YeikaJan 14, 2018929 views

Will applying for colleges be stressful?

I’m a junior in high school and I’ve already looked into applying for colleges and it seems pretty complicated. So I’m just wondering how hard will it get throughout senior year looking for colleges? #stressed #college-applications #college

answer icon2 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconPaterson