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Kristina’s Avatar


Virginia Beach, Virginia
2 Questions
86 Karma

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Kristina’s Avatar
Kristina Jan 17, 2018 778 views

Recommendations for journalism student?

If any of y'all are journalism students, I'm trying to get into digital/magazine journalism and I'm hoping someone has suggestions of good internship or work study ideas to help me get further in that field? what type of college extracurriculars should i be on the lookout for? #journalism...

Kristina’s Avatar
Kristina Jan 17, 2018 1050 views

Transition from college to life?

Now that I've been accepted into college, I've started thinking a lot more about what's going to happen after I graduate college in four years. How do college seniors transition from dorm/campus life to moving off campus and starting a job? #life-transitions #college