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Bozeman, Montana
2 Questions
176 Karma

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Samantha Jan 17, 2018 1152 views

How different is real life from college?

Does college prepare you tot take care of yourself in the 'real world'? Are the skills I learn here pertinent to life after and if not what resources can I pursue to help me in life? #college-advice #college #graduation #young-adults #life-skills #life-transitions

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Jan 17, 2018 1318 views

How easy is it to find a job in your field?

A lot of people say that it can be hard to find a job in your chosen field and that sometimes you can get a degree and then end up in a completely different area How true is this and what can I do to find a job in my major?
#job-search-strategies #job-search #career-counseling #college-degree