Career questions tagged graduation

I am graduating from college in May and am currently applying for internships. Is there anything else I should be doing before graduating?
Note: this question was asked anonymously by a learner

how do i know if college is going to be beneficial to me?
i've heard college is beneficial from some, and a complete waste of time from others. how do i know if it's right for me?

What do I need to know my senior year to prepare for picking colleges?
I'm a senior in high school, and I do an online schooling for credit recovery. I graduate in the spring, but have only recently decided that I want to go to college. I have very limited knowledge of what I should be doing to prepare to apply for college. I decided to major in psychology (BA), and pick my minor on which school I'm applying to. I want to be a family therapist, and I recently learned I'll need to get my masters for that. That being said I'm confused on how my undergraduate year would work. Do I have to do 6 years of school, and if not what would I be doing? I only have one person I could ask that would be able to help me with college information, but I don't know exactly how to ask or what I need to ask them. Any kind of light that can be shed on my situation would be greatly appreciated.

what is graduation and why is it important?
like I know Graduating are so important but why?

After graduating from college, what career steps should I do?
I am unsure about what to do after graduating from college.

what is the reason to move on in life after you graduate highschool or college?
for example its gonna feel like an emptyspace once you leave school

How can I cope with the sadness of leaving college?
I'm approaching my last semester as an undergraduate, and I'm already sad about leaving a really phenomenal friend group, campus, and community behind. Many people I talk to say that college is the best time of your life, and I'm worried that I'll have more to look back on than to look forward to. Can I hear some stories from professionals who came out of undergrad and found a lot of joy wherever they ended up? #undergrad #career-transition #graduation #community #campus

What does teacher hiring look like for December graduates?
I am studying an undergraduate degree in Education, specializing in Middle School English, Language Arts & Reading with an ESL teacher certification. I will finish my degree on the Fall semester and would love to get a teaching job immediately after graduation. However, I know that there might be limited hiring opportunities at that time of the year. What advice would you give for someone in the same position as me? #teacher #teacher #english #teaching #education #GivingisCaring #ESL #school #graduation

Whats the biggest struggle after graduation?
I am 17 years old and I am a senior in high school and graduating in the spring. I have talked about college options and discussed them briefly with my parents. I just would like to know whats the big step I can take before I graduate. I want to go to college to become a therapist or help special needs kids. #high-school #college #Graduation

Should I reach out to my prospective grad schools via email and introduce myself/express interest?
I am graduating this December and will be applying to grad schools later this fall. I am wondering if I should email the schools I am interested in beforehand and introduce myself and express interest? I will be applying to psychology PhD and PsyD programs and am wondering if this might help the admissions board remember my name, which could ultimately provide an advantage? If this is a good idea, would I reach out via email or phone, maybe letter? Should it be directed to the board of admissions in general or to a specific person? What would I write in the email/letter or say on the phone? Does this seem like a good idea or would it come across a little overboard and groveling? Any feedback is so greatly appreciated! Thank you! #PhDpsychprograms #gradschool #graduation #emailinginterest

For anyone who has made a successful career change, what were the most important things you had to do, or what advice would you give others looking to do the same?
I'm a current college student, so I haven't officially started my career yet, but I'm extremely anxious about doing so, especially now that the pandemic has changed life as we know it. I've changed my career aspirations several times already, but now I'm nearing graduation and I'm still terrified that I'll wind up in a career I don't enjoy. Whether you ended up changing careers because you were dissatisfied or because you found better opportunities in another field, I'm really interested in hearing the experiences of professionals who have been in a situation like me. How did you overcome your worries, and what advice would you give to someone else? #career #career-counseling #careers #career-advice #future #career-options #college #college-student #graduation #career-change #career-switch #career-changes #career-switches #advice #july #july20 #scholarship

Is taking 17 credits per semester worth it?
I want to finish my 4-year bachelor's degree in 2 years. I want to get enough ap credits. Right now I want to do something related to business. Is it okay if I take 8 credits the second term of the summer semester before my Freshman year of college? I am talking about the 6-week term. Is it normal for a student to take 7 credits per summer term? It gives a total of 14 credits for the entire summer semester after my freshman year. Do students take 17 credits as an incoming freshman for the fall or is it too much to handle? I want to take gen ed classes over the summer including some electives. I do not want to double major and i will not work at all. my parents are paying. #college #college-major #college-admissions #college-advice #finance #college-major #apclasses #graduation

How to start before going to college?
what are the steps after High school? What is good advice on preparing yourself for the first year of college #career #college #graduation

Is taking a brake from college right when you get out of high school more beneficial for you, or does it benefit to go right into college without knowing your motivations or interests.
#followtheyellowgoldenbrickroad #college #career #career-path #graduation

I'm feeling lost in my Public Relations studies, considering applying for an "executive assistant" position.
I have an internship at a student-run agency at my university but I feel like I'm still not getting "real world" experience. Two of my foundational classes for my major were with terrible professors that no longer work for the department and I don't want to prolong my graduation any longer/pay more to retake those courses. Overall, I feel like a spinning compass with no direction. And I'm supposed to graduate in May. I looked at positions and found myself looking at "executive assistant" jobs. Most of those tasks seem relevant to what I've been doing in my agency while assisting team leads. Taking meeting notes, scheduling meetings, phone calls, general logistics etc. Is this an acceptable career jump? Would it help me find some direction? It appeals to me because I'd be working closely with someone in a higher position and I might be able to gain insight into their world. I'm very much a learn by doing/observing person. All of my "dream job"(publicity) postings require skills that I don't have. Or they're in locations that are not possible for me. #career-counseling #college-major #job #career #college #publicrelations #pr #executiveassistant #assistant #graduation #job-search

Is graduating early a good idea?
I go to a public virtual school where I have the ability to work ahead and graduate early. I've asked many teachers and friends if graduating early is a good idea and I've gotten many mixed responses. Are there any cons to graduating early that could outweigh the pros? #college #education #graduation #graduating-early

Did you get a Job right after you graduated from college?
#graduation #job #job-search

What are the best places to look for jobs before and after graduation?
You've spent money, time, and determination to get that college degree. The job market is tough and many students have debt. Where do I look for the right job before and after getting that pricey paper? We're academic ready. But are we job ready? #jobs #graduation #networking #adulting #job-search #welcometotherealworld

Is a Graduate Certificate taken seriously?
#graduatecertificate #graduation #Careers #resume #job-applications #applications

Will I graduate from college on time with little to no Financial aid?
I am interested in becoming a labor& Delivery nurse, however, I'm not sure where to start in my future career. #nurse #nursing #college #financial-aid #debt #graduation

What is the best way to condense college graduation time to three years?
#college #graduation #bachelorsdegree

What are some fun things to do for graduation?
I was wondering what are some ways to celebrate a graduation. I am graduating in May and this will be my first real graduation because I did not have one for my GED. Should I reserve a restaurant for my family to celebrate after? What else could I do without going way over the top? Thank you! #graduation #college #graduate

How important is what I do after I graduate?
I have no idea what I'm going to do when I graduate in the winter of 2020. That's two years away, making me halfway through my college career. I get that I still have time but is it able to have a corporate career if I go and do volunteer work or travel after graduating? #after-graduation #college-advice #career #career-path #college #career-planning #high-school #graduation

Would you recommend graduating early in college if you have all the credits?
My fields of study may require lots of graduate school so is there a way to shorten the time I'm working towards a bachelor's? If so, how? And is that recommended? I really appreciate personal experience and guidance. #college #college-advice #higher-education #colleges #college-major #college-admissions #college-advising #college-selection #college-bound #early-graduation #graduation

Am I more appealing to potential companies and organizations if I graduate with honors?
#honors #graduation

Best markets to break into?
I will be graduating with my associates degree soon, and then will be finishing up a few classes to earn my associates in business as well. I would like to know which field of business is best to pursue once I graduate that will allow me to utilize my degrees. #graduation #classof2020 #degree #women-in-business #careers #careers-in-business

Why is it that we have to complete all four years of high school?
I already have more than enough credits and I've taken all the necessary classes to graduate. So why? #done #ijustwannagotocollege #high-school #graduation #courses

How different is real life from college?
Does college prepare you tot take care of yourself in the 'real world'? Are the skills I learn here pertinent to life after and if not what resources can I pursue to help me in life? #college-advice #college #graduation #young-adults #life-skills #life-transitions