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Duncan Muguku’s Avatar

Duncan Muguku

Founder, | Author: Starting Strong, Finishing Strong – Your Career Success Handbook | Grants Manager
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
2 Answers
19286 Reads
46 Karma
Annalisa’s Avatar
Annalisa Jan 15, 2018 6320 views

what should i put on my resume as a first time job seeker?

I'm starting to look for jobs, but I don't know what employers want to see from me, given I have not held a career before.

#jobs #resume #resume-writing

Mireia’s Avatar
Mireia Jan 17, 2018 12960 views

How do you write an outstanding, effective cover letter?

Applying for an internship and was asked to submit a cover letter. What is it and how can you write an effective one? Would really appreciate some examples or guidance. #job #job-search #resume #resume-writing #cover-letters #evaluating-resumes #skills #job-skills #interviewing-skills #career...