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Huntingtown, Maryland
2 Questions
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Thomas Jan 18, 2018 1911 views

Is obtaining an MBA through a 5 year accelerated program and then going into the workforce a better option compared to just getting a bachelor's in 4 years then working?

I am trying to decide between getting my MBA in 5 years in an accelerated program or waiting until my company or myself can pay for online courses for an MBA while I am working a year or two after obtaining my bachelor's degree. I am interested in hearing feedback from business professionals...

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Thomas Jan 18, 2018 861 views

When graduated with an MBA or Bachelor's degree in any business field, is it more beneficial to work at a mid-level firm or large firm if you look to obtain enough capital from your job and then invest into starting your own entrepreneurial enterprise?

I look to graduate with a degree in marketing and would like a job at a sizable firm so I can make money, but once I have worked for 15 to 20 years in corporate industry I want to become an entrepreneur and start my own marketing agency to work with local businesses and eventually move my way...

  Need financial support for your education? We’re here to help with two $2500 scholarships. Just ask a new career-related question with hashtag #Fall24 by Nov. 22 to be eligible. Click here for more details!