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Decatur, Indiana
2 Questions
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Quinton Jan 19, 2018 706 views

How much in scholarships does the average person earn?

As the title states, this is a pretty simple question. Like many other people, I've applied, and am applying to as many scholarships as possible. I know that I won't win many of these, but I'm curious as to how much money the average person gets. #finance #scholarships

Quinton’s Avatar
Quinton Jan 19, 2018 652 views

What kind of jobs can be landed with a Computer Science degree?

I'm planning on going to a smallish school to study Computer science (as I've been interested in computers my entire life). I've read piece about how people have jobs as software engineers and it sounds like the dream job for me. Basically, my question is what all types of jobs open up with a...