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Tiverton, Rhode Island
2 Questions
86 Karma

Mary’s Career Goals

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Mary’s Avatar
Mary Jan 22, 2018 1097 views

What advice do you have for writers who do not have writing as their full-time job?

I have always loved books and stories, and writing is one of the biggest things that I want to "do" in my life. However, I know that it is not practical to assume that as soon as I graduate college, I will publish a best-selling novel and be set for life. I am definitely prepared to get a...

Mary’s Avatar
Mary Jan 22, 2018 976 views

What is involved in becoming a freelance editor?

I love writing, and I enjoy helping others make their writing better as well, so when I heard a talk on freelance editing, I thought "This sounds like something I could do!" However, although I feel confident that I could do the actual editing part, I don't know much about how I would get...