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El Sobrante, California
2 Questions
71 Karma

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Shamir’s Avatar
Shamir Jan 22, 2018 810 views

Where is the best place to start if you want to start learning video editing??

Lately, I've seen content creators play video games, vlog and their editing is so crisp in the video. The question being where do i start learning my craft and get from where I am now to being a professional video editor and use to think
#video-editing #film-editing #adobe

Shamir’s Avatar
Shamir Jan 22, 2018 2643 views

I want to start coding and be a video game developer, but where do i start?

I've always loved playing video games and right now I'm super into Hearthstone (if anyone sees and plays that game add me) and i really want to go into coding and or to create the story for one. However, I do not know here to start at all and i really want to learn, so where do i start? Is...