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Eugene, Oregon
2 Questions
51 Karma

Maeve’s Career Goals

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Maeve’s Avatar
Maeve Jan 24, 2018 623 views

How do I become politically active?

I am deeply concerned with the rising cost of secondary education in the United States. I would like to become politically active and make my voice heard, but I don't know where or how to began. Do you have any suggestions? #becomingpoliticallyactive #makemyvoiceheard

Maeve’s Avatar
Maeve Jan 24, 2018 1138 views

Should I worry about the future of artificial intelligence when selecting a career?

Since I was six years old I have dreamed of becoming a teacher. However, I recently read and article online that predicts that within 50 years half of all human occupations will be replaced with artificially intelligent robots. Should I be concerned about my career as a teacher being cut short...