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Shafiul Akber’s Avatar

Shafiul Akber

Chittagong, Chittagong Division, Bangladesh
2 Answers
2331 Reads
6 Karma

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Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew May 18, 2018 1051 views

What is the best program to use to make 3D models?

It could be a matter of preference or accessibility, but I'd like an honest opinion. #3Dmodeling #software

Fatima’s Avatar
Fatima Feb 09, 2018 1279 views

What are the qualities that colleges look for in prospective students interested in journalism?

I really want to partake in a few colleges that I've done excessive research in regards to their journalism programs and I'm still unsure what they are looking for precisely. What appeals most to them when they think of accepting a student into their programs regarding the field of...