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3 Questions
111 Karma

Ekeko’s Career Goals

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Ekeko May 09, 2018 851 views

Narrowing Down The Areas of Work for a Nueroscientist. What would this be called?

I'm really interested in #neuroscience, and am planning to become a #neuroscientist. I saw somewhere that neuroscientist is a more general term, and that neuroscientists focus on an area, like brain development. I would really just like to make new, breakthrough discoveries about the brain,...

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Ekeko Apr 13, 2018 1444 views

What is an average day in the life of a neurologist and neuroscientist like?

I am really interested in the #brain, and how it functions, but more importantly want to find new discoveries about it. What is a day in the life of his job like,hand is worth all the school years?
#neurology #Neurologist #neuroscience #neuroscientist

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Ekeko Feb 16, 2018 841 views

What is the name for this job, it has to do with Neurology?

Hello! For my future i'm looking for a career that has something to do with #neurology , or the #brain. I am mainly VERY interested in finding scientific breakthroughs (such as why we dream, and many other things) Could someone tell me what the name for that career is, and how I can start to...