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Jim Pappas’s Avatar

Jim Pappas

Film Critic, retired
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
3 Answers
3391 Reads
11 Karma
Nahomy’s Avatar
Nahomy Feb 22, 2024 1228 views

Writing Hobbies?

What are some opportunities for writers, like contests, newspaper clubs, journalism?

Marin’s Avatar
Marin Mar 06, 2023 679 views

Have you ever regretted becoming an author?

I have always wanted to be an author, but I am aware of how many writers give their all into their book and for whatever reason, are unable to get a publishing company to pick it up. Or else it flopped in sales and ended up not making enough money to make it worth printing, much less living...

Neateshia’s Avatar
Neateshia Jan 16, 2018 1445 views

I am not good at writing papers at all. What are some recommendations for me to be more successful and reasearching and constructing a good essay paper?

I am going back to school after 12 Years. English and writing have never been my strong areas. I want to do more than just pass this class, but also reasearch and construct successful work. If there is any tips, pointers, or advice that can be given. Please, I am all ears. #english #essay...