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Pogba’s Avatar


New York, New York
5 Questions
273 Karma

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Pogba’s Avatar
Pogba Jul 18, 2020 688 views

is dropshipping the best way of business to profit a lot and how would you go about it and get notice with so many competitors in the field?

I'm about to be a college freshman trying to start earning money while sleeping with a successful business and it's hard for me because I want to step in with the right foot and lessen the chances of failing. #career #business#July

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Pogba Jul 17, 2020 392 views

What exactly is the process after college from graduating as a computer science graduate with a bachelor's

#JULY20 #tech#cs

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Pogba Mar 05, 2019 694 views

What is the best way to interpret a Computer language quckly and use it in actual jobs?

#computer-programming #tech #computer-programming #technology

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Pogba Mar 05, 2019 578 views

Since most colleges only offere general computer Science as a course, how can you use that later when applying to more specific technical jobs to gain knowledge about computer science deeply like analytics?

#technology #computer-science

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Pogba Mar 12, 2018 805 views

What career in software engineering pays the most money?

There are different careers in software engineering, out of all of them which one benefits you the most in like pay.