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Springfield, Missouri
2 Questions
96 Karma

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Bethany’s Avatar
Bethany Mar 15, 2018 793 views

Better study method for math?

I am currently enrolled in a Forensic Sciences degree program. This course, as you can imagine, will require me to take Calculus and Physics. In high school I was terrible at math, even though I was having around seven hours of tutoring sessions a week. Does anyone have any good methods for...

Bethany’s Avatar
Bethany Mar 15, 2018 833 views

How will I know what to specialize in?

I am currently enrolled in a Forensic Sciences degree program. Towards the completion of my degree I will be required to choose a certain area, but there are dozens and they are all fascinating. Forensic Toxicology, Trace evidence analysis, DNA analysis, Digital Forensics, Criminalistics.......