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Mandeville, Louisiana
2 Questions
66 Karma

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Jenna’s Avatar
Jenna Mar 24, 2018 761 views

What is medical field like?

I know the educational part of medicine is very challenging, but is being accepted to a hospital hard? How is the life of the hospital? I would just like to know the ins and outs of being a doctor.
#medicine #career

Jenna’s Avatar
Jenna Mar 24, 2018 1002 views

Can I still get into an Ivy League school if I'm not valedictorian?

I get straight As, I do community work, and I am a very hard working student. I would love to go to an Ivy League especially since I want to go into the medical field. Is it realistic to plan on going to Yale or Harvard if I am only in the top 10 percent of a public high school? #medicine...