Career questions tagged ivyleague

Do you think it is worth doing the IB program to get into a top 20 school?
I selected my classes for next year and chose to do the IB program. I am starting to regret that choice. I would rather do partial IB. Do you think It’ll look bad if I drop out of the IB program to do partial IB? My goal is to get into a top 20 school. Also my school is an IB school so they do not offer AP classes. I am currently in 10th grade.

If I get accepted into NYU, what are some housing resources that I can utilize?
Does anyone have any advice about East Coast housing resources? I would like to apply for NYU, and if accepted, they have a long dorm wait list. Is there any resources, nonprofits, or anything that you can recommend for semi-affordable ways for student to live off campus? Also, I would appreciate any suggestions, not just in New York. #college #college-admissions #college-advice #nyu #ivyleague #housing #college-bound #professor #dorms #newyork #newyorkcity

What should I do if I want to get into an Ivy League college?
I am an eighth grader from Bangladesh, currently preparing for my O'levels exams. #college #ivyleague #bangladesh #o'levels #science

What are some tips for high school students looking to apply to ivy league schools?
I am a high school sophomore looking to apply to several prestigious universities. I'd like to know what kind of things that they look for besides good grades. #high-school-students #ivyleague #harvard #yale #columbia #high-school-classes #high-school #college

What are the best ways to stand out in the college admissions process?
I have good grades and extracurriculars but is there something else I could do to really boost my application? #college #collegeadmissions #business #finance #ivyleague #GivingisCaring

Can I finish my Graduate at an Ivy league after attending ASU online
I am getting my bachelor of software engineering from ASU. But I am still planning to finish my PhD in an ivy league such as Havard or Carnegie Mellon. Can someone tell me if these will accept my degree as a valid one? #computerscience #college #ivyleague #havard #ASU #software

Why are college acceptance rates so low?
Acceptance rates to “elite” colleges and universities are extremely low and continue to drop each year. So I am wondering if these colleges and universities are very hard to get into because they admission standards have changed and continue to change of if there are just more applicants each year but they admit same amount (or close to it) of students each year. Will the acceptance rates eventually get so low that these “elite” colleges have to increase the amount of students they admit each year? #collegeadmissions #ivyleague #SAT #GPA #acceptancerates

Will founding a club and programming your own game get you a good chance at getting into the Ivy League?
I am currently in the process of these 2 things and I'm not sure how to beef up my chances of getting into Brown/Harvard. Do I stand a good chance with these under my belt + president of another club + solid Ivy level academics? Also I'm going into computer science, if that helps (or hurts!) #college #computerscience #ivyleague #brown

Will Ivy League colleges continue to function if their requirements keep getting tougher?
Many students get discouraged about applying to Ivy League colleges because of their steep requirements for applications... #requirements #IvyLeague

Is it true that low-income first generation students find it hard to succeed in and adapt to an Ivy League school?
#school #education #IvyLeague #low-income #success #college #ivy-league

What is considered a "good" SAT score to have in order to get into a ivy league?
I got an average score on the SAT but I am well rounded everywhere else. #college #admissions #college-admissions #ivyleague #sat #testing

Any tips for getting into a top school? For a medical school?
I know that it's super competitive for some schools and for almost all medical schools, so is there anything I should be doing to make sure that I have a good chance of getting in? #medschool #topschool #ivyleague #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare #doctor #premed -school

Can I still get into an Ivy League school if I'm not valedictorian?
I get straight As, I do community work, and I am a very hard working student. I would love to go to an Ivy League especially since I want to go into the medical field. Is it realistic to plan on going to Yale or Harvard if I am only in the top 10 percent of a public high school? #medicine #ivyleague #valedictorian

what is the SAT score range for getting into Ivy League schools?
SAT score range and the accomplishments people do in high schools. What makes those students stand out from the others? General comments about Ivy League schools. #ivyleague #ACT #college-major #college #SAT #university #howard-university #brown-university #columbia-university

Are you bound to a future of low income if your current financial situation limits your college options?
Growing up, I was the daughter of a single mother. Our financial situation could be classified as the grey area between poverty and lower middle class. Now, as I embark onto University life, my parents cannot financially support me. This leaves me choosing between community college and in state local college. My dreams are of Stanford, but my budget is of a junior college. Am I bound to a life of middle to lower middle class income through the restrictions of my post high school education. #lowincome #tuition #ivyleague #communitycollege #instate #financial-aid #financial #university #dreams #journalism #education