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Ozark, Missouri
2 Questions
66 Karma

Lucy’s Career Goals

I want to own my own graphic design company. I also want to be a photographer so I can use my own photos in my designs.



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Lucy Mar 27, 2018 594 views

Where does merit scholarship money come from?

Every college I applied to (and some I didn't) has offered me incoming freshman scholarships. Why don't they just lower their cost instead of giving scholarship money? Where does that money come from anyway? Are they just eating the cost or is someone actually giving the money for us?...

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Lucy Mar 27, 2018 833 views

What do I do if I am out of state in school, without my primary doctor, and get sick?

I don't understand how insurance and school work together. I don't want my parents to get stuck with a big bill. I won't have them around to help me figure out where to go. Chances are I will need a doctor at some point during my college years. #college #healthcare