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Bloomington, Minnesota
2 Questions
116 Karma

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Yingyi Apr 01, 2018 1412 views

What are some possible job position with CS degree?

Hello, I am going to CS major. I wonder what are some job positions with a CS degree. What is annual salary for those jobs? Is it easy to find those job? How should I apply for a job? Does the company I worked for matter? What are some great quality of a company I should look for?...

Yingyi’s Avatar
Yingyi Apr 01, 2018 1824 views

How to become a data scientist?

Hello, I am going to a liberal art college in a fringe town next school year. The school does not have a data science major but I am highly interested in data science. (I will be going to double majors in Computer science and Statistics.) What are some steps should I do to become a data...