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Ozyria’s Avatar


Columbia, South Carolina
2 Questions
56 Karma

Ozyria’s Career Goals

I'd like to become an artistic director in the live theatre.

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Ozyria’s Avatar
Ozyria Apr 03, 2018 1039 views

How Hard is it To Balance Two Careers?

My two biggest passions in life are music and technical theatre. Because most people in the theatre tech/design world aren't on salary or have a fixed work schedule, I'm curious to know if I could handle being a performing musician as well. In a small, community orchestra (trumpet player). I've...

Ozyria’s Avatar
Ozyria Apr 03, 2018 859 views

What are Some Careers in Theatre?

I'm majoring technical theatre and design in college, which is my passion. I'd like to know what my options are, for a career. I do scenic design, but it isn't what I'd want to spend my life doing. I like the idea of having a higher position in the performing theatre. Perhaps, overseeing the...