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Coon Rapids, Minnesota
2 Questions
61 Karma

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Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail Apr 08, 2018 1152 views

What of my interests would be worth making minors/majors on my planned degree in environmental engineering?

I plan to get a degree in environmental engineering, but I also love biology, chemistry, biochemistry, and non-science-related Spanish. Would it be too difficult, expensive, or otherwise to add any of those as a second major and/or have the remaining be minors? Especially in the case of...

Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail Apr 08, 2018 1544 views

Is it worth earning higher than a bachelor's when pursuing a career in environmental engineering?

I plan to get a bachelor's degree in environmental engineering for sure, but would it be worth the time, money($40K/yr at the school I am looking at), and effort to work towards a master's or PhD? #engineering #environmental-engineering #money #debt #degrees #bachelors-degree #bachelorsdegree...