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Susanna Lee’s Avatar

Susanna Lee

NYU Graduate
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
3 Answers
2476 Reads
31 Karma
Leonard’s Avatar
Leonard Mar 18, 2018 809 views

Is it better to live on, or off campus for college? (No matter what year)

I know to have a dorm on campus would cost significantly more for tuition opposed to not living on campus. I know that there's pros and cons for both, that's why I'm asking. #college-bound, #dorms

Diane’s Avatar
Diane Apr 15, 2018 699 views

Will counseling actually help kids if parents are unwilling to address the foundational issues?

I am entering a masters program to get an MS in Educational Counseling and Preventive Mental Health. But, my concern is that counseling will not help my students because parents and guardians seem to only want a band-aid for the issue. It takes a lot of work and commitment to truly help kids,...

Christi ’s Avatar
Christi May 15, 2017 1179 views

What kind of education should a teacher have?

I am wondering what majors a teacher should have and how long in collage it would take to get them? #teaching #teacher #education #career-details