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Lakeland, Florida
2 Questions
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Kinley Apr 16, 2018 1252 views

What are the differences between the work a pyschiatrist does and the work a psychologist does

I have interest in being a psychologist or psychiatrist but I am bit fuzzy on the difference between the two.
#medicine #pyschology #pysch #pyschologist #mental-health-care #mental-health #clincial-mental-health #mental-health-counseling

Kinley’s Avatar
Kinley Apr 16, 2018 1321 views

What are the differences between the work a pyschiatrist does and the work a psychologist does

I have interest in being a psychologist or psychiatrist but I am bit fuzzy on the difference between the two.
#medicine #pyschology #pysch #pyschologist #mental-health-care #mental-health #clincial-mental-health #mental-health-counseling