Career questions tagged mental-health-care

Whats holding me back?
For some reason, when I wanna do my homework something tells me not to. Also at school in certain classes I cant stop my ADHD.

When you first entered the mental health care field, what was the most shocking thing you experienced ?
I'm doing a research project on a job I'm interested in and what to know what to expect .

Why did you choose to become a Psychiatrist?
When I was 18 years old I attempted suicide and I want to help future generations by lowering the rate of teen suicide.

Sub-fields of Psychiatry...
While researching the career field, I found out that there are sub-fields of psychiatry. I am aware of the following: - Addiction Psychiatry - Geriatric Psychiatry - Pediatric Psychiatry - Neuropsychiatry What do these sub-fields mean? Are there other sub-fields I should be aware of? How does one get into these fields?

Psychiatrist career ladder...
What are the steps ( in chronological order) to becoming a psychiatrist? I understand that one must achieve a bachelor's degree, go to med-school, and complete a residency, but I am not sure what order these steps should be taken in.

Psychiatry and IT...
Do psychiatrists use IT skills at all? If so, what specific skills might be necessary? Are there any certifications that might be useful for the career path?

What are the differences between the work a pyschiatrist does and the work a psychologist does
I have interest in being a psychologist or psychiatrist but I am bit fuzzy on the difference between the two. #medicine #pyschology #pysch #pyschologist #mental-health-care #mental-health #clincial-mental-health #mental-health-counseling

What are the differences between the work a pyschiatrist does and the work a psychologist does
I have interest in being a psychologist or psychiatrist but I am bit fuzzy on the difference between the two. #medicine #pyschology #pysch #pyschologist #mental-health-care #mental-health #clincial-mental-health #mental-health-counseling

What are the psychological affects working in the mental health department?
For majority of my existence I have personally dealt with Mental Illness and I know that in many cases one could get triggered on a certain topic. For me though, helping other people who are just like me has always been such a huge dream, but I want to know my risks involved so I am not only prepared, but certain that I won't go down a dark path when dealing with any subject. This has always been a passion of mine and if I can save the life of one person then I think my life is fulfilling. #nevergiveup #psychologymajor #mental-health #mental-health-care

Being an advocate for both mental health and living a healthy lifestyle, what are my boundaries as a future practitioner when encouraging healthy eating and other healthy alternatives?
#healthy-lifestyle #mental-health #advocate #mental-health-care #mental-health-nursing

As a future mental health nurse practitioner, what are ways I can provide a more holistic care approach for my patients when faced with lack of state funding and budget cuts?
#mental-health #mental-health-care #nursing #nurse-practitioner

Is it possible to branch off into speech and hearing therapy from psychology?
I am considering studying psychology, but is it possible to branch off into forensic psychology or speech and hearing therapy, with a psychology degree and experience as a clinical psychologist? #psychology #therapy #counseling #mental-health #mental-health-care #physical-therapy #therapists #counseling-psychology #forensic #forensic-psychology

As an opinion, does clinical psychology rely more on the people to people aspect; being able to read patients and listen to their problems, or the scientific, neurological aspect?
I am wondering if I have a possible future in clinical psychology and would like more experienced opinions on what this entails. #psychology #mental-health #mental-health-counseling #mental-health-care