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Argelia’s Avatar


Newman, California
2 Questions
62 Karma

Argelia’s Career Goals

I want to be a radiologist

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Argelia’s Avatar
Argelia Apr 13, 2018 796 views

Where do I start so that I can end up with my dream job?

I want to become a Radiologist. I really want that job, it's a cool part of the medical field and it's challenging and after all radiology is pretty cool! The thing is I have no idea what colleges I should go to if i eventually want to go into med school? If a school has no pre med program or...

Argelia’s Avatar
Argelia Apr 13, 2018 1196 views

How can I get better assistance in pursing my career?

I often tend to get distracted, my memory fails me at random times and I forget deadlines and programs that I should be applying to. Got any tips? Any people or specific questions I should be asking. I am a clean slate. #lost #oops #medicine #deadlines #questions #helpmeplease #helpme...