Career questions tagged lost

What do I do to restore and enlighten my passion to make a difference in the world in my aspirations to be a veterinarian and more, what ideas can you give me to be known in history for what I've done to help animals in the world and more?
I'm a senior student athlete in high school who's struggled in highschool with my rigorous courses that I challenge myself to and have scarce faith of achieving my goals from a few Cs my junior year, taken 9 AP courses and volunteered at my local animal shelter I want to achieve more I want to make a difference and be known for what I do and I want to start now.

how i can change this situation and have a promising life ?
HOW , hey every one my name is zouhair m from morocco i just moved to the us couple months ago i tried manyyy jobs but in this kinda jobs i feel like m traped and nothing is promising i will spwnd all my life making what gonna be enough from a week to the other i need some tips on how to find a chill job that i can do while m trying to find my pasion and the job i can enjoy meanwhile m working at amazon wearhouse and i do different gigs like food servise other wearhouses general labour if there is a sweet job that need a short duration to get a license or something like that i would love to know about it

Confuse about career in it which roles suits me?
Still confused which role suits me in it . I use chatgpt to analyse my behaviour and it suggest me quality assurance tester, business analyst and it support. I am confused about these areas. I just share my some behaviour someone help me with this or any other role which align with this mostly. I happy to change behaviour in some level if needed 1. Not have logic building in coding not interest in networking 2. Impatience thinking again and again till work finish 3. Good in explaining if I know about things 4. Like to communicate but sometimes stop in speaking in english not find words 5. Like to watch space related videos 6. evey 3-4 month not like same work may be because not found interest 7. Easy to get job in entry level in Melbourne 8. Like to searching things in google 9. Everytime Make plans for works 10. I am confused when too many things happens with me. 11. Good learner

where do you even start to become a real estate agent in highschool?
Im tryna become a real estate agent at a young age but i dont know what classes to take or where even to start.

What should I look for ?
What should I look for when picking the best career for me ?

How am I supposed to know what I want to do with the rest of my life?
How am I supposed to know what I want to do with the rest of my life? Will I ever get sick of my job? What if I want to change careers? I am lost and confused.

I don’t know… I am lost… What do I do? I’ve hit my all new low.
A few days ago I felt like I’ve hit my all new low… I don’t know what major to do in college nor do I have a interest in any majors or what college I want to go. Despite going on many college tours in-state (Massachusetts) and out of state, all of them stood out to me, but I cannot choose one because they have great benefits in different areas. In the end of the college searches none has really grabbed my interest, I just thought it was like High School 2.0 with harder classes and more responsibilities. Not only college have lacked my interest but my major and career goals. I’ve done some shadowing and summer programs over the summer to see what I like, but from business to working at a hospital, I did not feel that click or attachment in any of those fields. I also took a Real Estate class with a friend to see if I do like it, I do like it, but I don’t feel the drive or passion like the other programs/shadowing. I just feel lost about my future career or what I even want to do. What do I do? Should I take a gap year to further figure out? Or should I go into college undecided? I am open to any advise or comments.

How to get a job without any skill or experience?
Hi, I'm new to the market and I don't think I have anything to offer companies. My father insists on me to work as a construction worker or as an electrician but I don't like the environment nor the profession. I don't know how to proceed, especially in an increasingly competitive market. I need a job so I can pay for my education and college (which I haven't decided on yet) and as well as other bills as my parents are not going to help me if I ever choose anything else they prefer me becoming.

How do I find the motivation and passion for things that I am interested in?
I am someone who struggles with motivation and don't have a specific career I want to follow. I just want to live a good life making good money with a job I don't mind doing. How can I find my passion? Do I not know enough of myself to be throwing myself at the wind with no direction? Am I wasting time just looking for somewhere I fit in? Does my lack of future details on my aspirations and goals place me on the outside of the majority spectrum? I would like to hear some advice and guidance if there is someone who has struggled with this same mindset.

Is it okay to continue a medical course even if you are not passionate about it?
I have been studying Dentistry for 2 years in University now. I know I can finish Dentistry if I persist and carry on. But Dentistry just takes so long, and it exhausts me mentally, emotionally, and physically. I know I can get another job after I finish this degree, I am just having my doubts that maybe I am not fit or good enough. I do not know if the passion will grow in me. I am not quite sure if I am on the right path, or what path I would take if not. I just need some words to clear my head from overthinking. Life is clearly unpredictable. #careerpath #college #dentistry #confused #lost

Feel lost with no idea what i want to do with my life.
I'm a 21 year old and honestly feel like a failure everyday. I've bounced from job to job, looking for my purpose. Every job thus far i've had ive absolutely despised. I'm not looking for something that has a huge annual salary, i just want to work somewhere and be truly happy working there. I love photography and editing pictures. But have no idea how i would go about becoming a professional. And it seems like a goal i could never achieve. Does anyone have any idea what i should do to help/better myself? How i could go about finding my true purpose? #jobs #work #lost #careeradvice #needhelp #guidance

what should i do? i hate my major, i dont want to be a teacher
Im 22 years old girl and im in my third year of Preschool Education (it takes 5 years) , im gonna be a teacher and i hate t i dont know why did i choose that major, i hate to see myself in the mirror, and i hate to think in my future because im gonna become the person i always fear i fear to be, someone who doesnt have insterest in their job and being mad all the time, sometimes when people figure it out this they say... hey but you are going to have a good salary, but its not my case, i hate the major and teachers in latin america get paid very poorly, im lost and feel unmotivated in every class in every school i see. Ive discovered that i like to write and learn languages, i speak spanish, english and im learning french so i thought of being a translator, its not easy to be a translator but i feel motivated about it ... the problem is im already 22 years old, and i dont know what to do ... #school #college #major #lost #

i dont know and i know what i want
i know i want something related to biology and maybe a lab, or forensics; but i dont know what can fit into a biology carrear that i feel accomplished. I was looking for biomedical engineering, please give me examples and more majors/ideas. #biology #lost #biomedicine #health

I don't know what to do.
I'm not really sure what to do for college, I'm a junior in high school and I'm pretty lost. I don't really have any ideas in mind, although I spend a lot of time on my laptop I don't see myself liking a profession based on technology ( I've researched about computer science, programming, etc. ). I researched about being a teacher as well but came to realization that I'm not really as devoted as others to be able to stick with a job like that forever, on the daily. I'm pretty lost, can someone help me? #help #confused #lost

What are some helpful tips that can lead me to picking a career that is best for me?
I'm a junior in high school and I'm still undecided on what I want to do for the future. I'm most interested in medicine or engineering. I have considered becoming a Psychiatrist or a Dermatologist, but I also would like to be a Chemical Engineer. I just don't know what would be the right choice and I don't want to end up making the wrong decision. #medicine #engineer #college #engineering #lost #help #answer

What are the things you can do with a public health major?
Are there any jobs that you can obtain after 4 years of undergraduate of public health, or will I have to go to school for a longer time. #publichealth #collegelife #college #degree #lost

Where do I start so that I can end up with my dream job?
I want to become a Radiologist. I really want that job, it's a cool part of the medical field and it's challenging and after all radiology is pretty cool! The thing is I have no idea what colleges I should go to if i eventually want to go into med school? If a school has no pre med program or major what do I do then? I'm confused with the whole process and quite frankly it seems scary and like it'l take forever, which I don't mind but if I don't do what I am supposed to be, I could be wasting time when I could vbe using that to persue my career. #help #lost #whatschool #wheredoigo #howdoistart #getmetoaschool #freakingout #radiologist

How can I get better assistance in pursing my career?
I often tend to get distracted, my memory fails me at random times and I forget deadlines and programs that I should be applying to. Got any tips? Any people or specific questions I should be asking. I am a clean slate. #lost #oops #medicine #deadlines #questions #helpmeplease #helpme #idontknowwhattodo #wheredoistart

I'm trying to figure out what I career I should chase based on my talents, but I'm not too sure. What would you recommend?
I'm a 17 year old junior in high school, since I was young I've acceled at arguments and helping other through hard times. I enjoy being like a big brother to younger kids, helping others when they don't understand, and being a person people can talk to about anything. I've been told to either go into law or child therapy. #Lost

Is it possible to get a degree in exercise science, and not specialize in something yet still get a good paying job?
I know I want an exercise science degree, but i'm not sure what I want to use it for. Since it is so generic and broad, can I get a bachelors degree in it, and get a good job without specializing? #sports-medicine #medicine #college #career #lost #hospital #physicaltherapy #workout #technology #desire #job